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I didn't understand how this website worked and I lost some Ethereum trying to get the signup bonus



I tried to get the deposit bonus which I thought I would be able to use instantly but I realized I had to win something, I transferred the eth I'd deposited to BCD and tried to play crash. Since I didn't know how it worked I accidentally betted everything it was only like 10 dollars but I don't have any more money and I don't want to explain to my parents I fell for a crypto gambling website. Can someone please help me get it back, idc about the sign up bonus anymore, I just want to break even. If someone can help me get back the money I lost you can have whatever is leftover of the bonus after I get the money back (like 30 dollars or something)

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9 answers to this question

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  On 11/9/2022 at 10:20 AM, allykay said:

The site is kind of tricky. It does not flat out tell you the requirements for the deposit bonus. There have been a lot of posts, by adults, regarding this. I honestly don't know why you had to go write an essay putting this kid down.


It seems like you might've mistaken my post for something else as there was never any intention for "putting this kid down" nor was it ever meant to be. As a matter of fact, I actually made a conscious effort when choosing my words to be sure that I didn't mistakenly attack them as a person and and focused on keeping it open as a conversation instead. To be sure, the term "ignorance" or "ignorant" was used for it's formal definition of "lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing."  noting that I never called the person ignorant, but referred to how their actions were lacking knowledge or information.

To be sure, I never argued the fact that the promotion was hard to understand. In fact, I too made the same mistake. But, my post wasn't about them being right or wrong, it was about what they were  misleading themselves to believe.


I honestly don't know why you had to go write an essay putting this kid down.


Although you're not asking me why, the reason I took the time to explain to this person (without assuming it's a kid or an adult for that matter) what they've misperceived is because I'm of the opinion that we, as adults, have an obligation not just to our generation's youth but to any fellow person who has yet to hold themselves to the standards of acting as an adult, to provide the guidance they might need and help others grow up as an adult, teaching or sharing with them the values and principles needed so that they can grow up to be and act appropriately like an adult. And, learning to take responsibility for one's action is a well-accepted principle of being an adult.

Seeing as how he/she/they was afraid of admitting the truth to their parents, who else would have the opportunity to address this situation with that person if their parents went on not ever learning about the mistake this person seemed to have made? If we, as a community, don't foster or take on the responsibility of teaching others these important core values, then what can we hope to expect from the future generations who will one day rule this world? I, for one, don't want to live in a world where everyone thinks it's okay to blame others for their own mistakes and fail to take responsibility because they want to blindly believe that just because someone may or may not have chosen to be less than transparent about something that it's okay to to let themselves be a victim to it. We should all learn how to protect ourselves from deceptive people and business who might choose to be and, allowing this person to continue thinking that it's not their fault would've been a detriment not just to them but to our society.



Have you read all the "legally binding terms"?


Yes, I have, actually. But that was never my point. I might condone people's choice not to read 'the fine print' as some might call it, but in case it hasn't been made clear, my whole point was never them being wrong nor was it meant to defend the site in any way, it was about how they failed to recognize that they were not taking responsibility for their own mistakes. It wasn't about judging them for what they did but what they needed to realize about what they were saying that suggested they sincerely felt it was something out of their control and their impression that it just happened not by mistake, but allegedly by the adverse actions taken by a website. 


Also, this kid will never be in front of a judge for this incident. 


Perhaps not for what you were thinking but if this person went on continuing to believe that the site deceived them and, depending on where they reside, how can you be certain their parents don't end up filing a lawsuit for deceptive business practices in trying to hold the site accountable for what's falsely perceived and described as being 'made to lure children into active participation in illegal acts consisting of gambling behavior'?

Admittedly, that's going to an extreme there just to put in a last word, but really, you're going to give me a hard time for trying to lecture "this kid" about growing up? C'mon...


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I tried to get the deposit bonus which I thought I would be able to use instantly but I realized I had to win something, I transferred the eth I'd deposited to BCD and tried to play crash. Since I didn't know how it worked I accidentally betted everything it was only like 10 dollars but I don't have any more money and I don't want to explain to my parents I fell for a crypto gambling website. Can someone please help me get it back, idc about the sign up bonus anymore, I just want to break even. If someone can help me get back the money I lost you can have whatever is leftover of the bonus after I get the money back (like 30 dollars or something)

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I tried to get the deposit bonus which I thought I would be able to use instantly but I realized I had to win something, I transferred the eth I'd deposited to BCD and tried to play crash. Since I didn't know how it worked I accidentally betted everything it was only like 10 dollars but I don't have any more money and I don't want to explain to my parents I fell for a crypto gambling website. Can someone please help me get it back, idc about the sign up bonus anymore, I just want to break even. If someone can help me get back the money I lost you can have whatever is leftover of the bonus after I get the money back (like 30 dollars or something)

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  On 11/15/2022 at 11:52 AM, allykay said:

You come off as rude and judgemental. 


That's unfortunate, If that's the impression you've felt then I've failed to express my intention properly.

On that note, would you be willing to help me work on that? Either helping me identify specific phrases that lead to that impression or an example of what other words could be used that won't make it come off as judgmental or rude? 

I didn't really have the best role models growing up when it came to giving/receiving positive reinforcement or effective, constructive criticism so I'm not as naturally inclined to recognize perhaps a more positive way of saying things that would've come off as not rude while still being as effective, so any suggestions would be genuinely appreciated.


There is no min word requirement for replies. You do not need to write an essay everytime you post. 


That was actually pretty funny, good one. True... true...but I'd argue though that there is, at least, a minimum skim-reading requirement if someone were to have a goal of trying to read something lengthy very quickly while still being able to sound intelligible when later discussing it, otherwise the lack of comprehension that becomes obvious will just translate into a measurement of how egotistical that person really is. But, I digress.

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  On 11/15/2022 at 4:24 AM, JackSonova said:

It seems like you might've mistaken my post for something else as there was never any intention for "putting this kid down" nor was it ever meant to be. As a matter of fact, I actually made a conscious effort when choosing my words to be sure that I didn't mistakenly attack them as a person and and focused on keeping it open as a conversation instead. To be sure, the term "ignorance" or "ignorant" was used for it's formal definition of "lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing."  noting that I never called the person ignorant, but referred to how their actions were lacking knowledge or information.

To be sure, I never argued the fact that the promotion was hard to understand. In fact, I too made the same mistake. But, my post wasn't about them being right or wrong, it was about what they were  misleading themselves to believe.

Although you're not asking me why, the reason I took the time to explain to this person (without assuming it's a kid or an adult for that matter) what they've misperceived is because I'm of the opinion that we, as adults, have an obligation not just to our generation's youth but to any fellow person who has yet to hold themselves to the standards of acting as an adult, to provide the guidance they might need and help others grow up as an adult, teaching or sharing with them the values and principles needed so that they can grow up to be and act appropriately like an adult. And, learning to take responsibility for one's action is a well-accepted principle of being an adult.

Seeing as how he/she/they was afraid of admitting the truth to their parents, who else would have the opportunity to address this situation with that person if their parents went on not ever learning about the mistake this person seemed to have made? If we, as a community, don't foster or take on the responsibility of teaching others these important core values, then what can we hope to expect from the future generations who will one day rule this world? I, for one, don't want to live in a world where everyone thinks it's okay to blame others for their own mistakes and fail to take responsibility because they want to blindly believe that just because someone may or may not have chosen to be less than transparent about something that it's okay to to let themselves be a victim to it. We should all learn how to protect ourselves from deceptive people and business who might choose to be and, allowing this person to continue thinking that it's not their fault would've been a detriment not just to them but to our society.


Yes, I have, actually. But that was never my point. I might condone people's choice not to read 'the fine print' as some might call it, but in case it hasn't been made clear, my whole point was never them being wrong nor was it meant to defend the site in any way, it was about how they failed to recognize that they were not taking responsibility for their own mistakes. It wasn't about judging them for what they did but what they needed to realize about what they were saying that suggested they sincerely felt it was something out of their control and their impression that it just happened not by mistake, but allegedly by the adverse actions taken by a website. 

Perhaps not for what you were thinking but if this person went on continuing to believe that the site deceived them and, depending on where they reside, how can you be certain their parents don't end up filing a lawsuit for deceptive business practices in trying to hold the site accountable for what's falsely perceived and described as being 'made to lure children into active participation in illegal acts consisting of gambling behavior'?

Admittedly, that's going to an extreme there just to put in a last word, but really, you're going to give me a hard time for trying to lecture "this kid" about growing up? C'mon...



You come off as rude and judgemental. Honestly, the site is deceptive and I would not blame the kids or the parents for suing. I highly doubt this is the first under aged person to play on this site.

There is no min word requirement for replies. You do not need to write an essay everytime you post. 

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he didn't pay in anything and didn't play or he had wager.
It is simply an attempt to beg, no more.
That's my opinion on it and that's why it's going downhill here.
Because of people like this who are penniless and want everything for free, the active players take their bonuses.
But these are the people that BC wants, because they cheer everything is great, etc. 

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  On 11/7/2022 at 10:51 PM, JackSonova said:

To clarify, the bonus is earned through wagering, not necessarily winning. In other words, you have to play a certain amount to earn the bonus and the amount of play or wagering required is approximately 50x the bonus amount. So if your bonus amount is $30, for example, you would need to wager the equivalent of $1,500 to earn or "unlock" the bonus amount of $30. The exact formula is a calculation of total wagering amount where the unlocked amount is equal to 1% of 20% of your wager amount or expressed as

unlocked amount = wager amount * 1% * 20%

Although I can understand the fear of telling your parents you "fell for a crypto gambling website," you should be more worried about not being honest with them and with yourself. Do you think it would be more accurate to tell them you were reckless and failed to read any of the things the website told you to read and agree with when creating an account and maybe in your excitement to join you thought it was too long to read or thought by your own assumptions that maybe no one else reads those things so maybe you can get away with not reading it too and figured it would excuse you from anything being your fault for failing to take responsibility for your own actions, and so continuing on this path of elected ignorance you continued to think that you could simply join, and get the bonus to double up the money as if it was free but while ignoring everything that was told to you by the website, you proceeded to assume on your own, without reading any directions, and concluded the idea that you "had to win something" to get the bonus (instead of reading specifically how to get the bonus) which lead you to playing a game called Crash where you lost what's left? I mean, after all, without any regard to the game being called "Crash" literally, like crashing down, you then, under your continued choice to be ignorant of any information available to you by choosing not to stop and read some directions, it sounds like you attempted to play the game, based again, on your own assumptions of how it worked and negligently (not accidentally, because it's not an accident that you chose to ignore reading directions) bet everything which supposedly was $10 yet you are seeking help to "get back" what is claimed to be "like 30 dollars or something", isn't that more accurate?

Basically, if you're going to lie, just don't say anything. Why should you have to if it's your money? Unless, you want to admit to your parents that you also broke the law and lied about being an adult by signing up, then well, I'm afraid you're going to have to figure out how to explain it to the judge which might not be as forgiving as your parents if you were just honest with them. Your best bet for help then, will be to try and grow up by taking responsibility and being honest about the reality of the situation and how you brought this upon yourself but almost wanted to blame it on a non-living thing tricking you (as if the website was trying to trick you the whole time by just being there). 

The site didn't trick you and you didn't fall for anything, you made a conscious decision to act negligently, ignoring notices and legally binding terms that were presented to you. Now, if you need help learning what it means to be an adult, please update your question.


The site is kind of tricky. It does not flat out tell you the requirements for the deposit bonus. There have been a lot of posts, by adults, regarding this. I honestly don't know why you had to go write an essay putting this kid down.

Have you read all the "legally binding terms"?

Also, this kid will never be in front of a judge for this incident. 

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To clarify, the bonus is earned through wagering, not necessarily winning. In other words, you have to play a certain amount to earn the bonus and the amount of play or wagering required is approximately 50x the bonus amount. So if your bonus amount is $30, for example, you would need to wager the equivalent of $1,500 to earn or "unlock" the bonus amount of $30. The exact formula is a calculation of total wagering amount where the unlocked amount is equal to 1% of 20% of your wager amount or expressed as

unlocked amount = wager amount * 1% * 20%

Although I can understand the fear of telling your parents you "fell for a crypto gambling website," you should be more worried about not being honest with them and with yourself. Do you think it would be more accurate to tell them you were reckless and failed to read any of the things the website told you to read and agree with when creating an account and maybe in your excitement to join you thought it was too long to read or thought by your own assumptions that maybe no one else reads those things so maybe you can get away with not reading it too and figured it would excuse you from anything being your fault for failing to take responsibility for your own actions, and so continuing on this path of elected ignorance you continued to think that you could simply join, and get the bonus to double up the money as if it was free but while ignoring everything that was told to you by the website, you proceeded to assume on your own, without reading any directions, and concluded the idea that you "had to win something" to get the bonus (instead of reading specifically how to get the bonus) which lead you to playing a game called Crash where you lost what's left? I mean, after all, without any regard to the game being called "Crash" literally, like crashing down, you then, under your continued choice to be ignorant of any information available to you by choosing not to stop and read some directions, it sounds like you attempted to play the game, based again, on your own assumptions of how it worked and negligently (not accidentally, because it's not an accident that you chose to ignore reading directions) bet everything which supposedly was $10 yet you are seeking help to "get back" what is claimed to be "like 30 dollars or something", isn't that more accurate?

Basically, if you're going to lie, just don't say anything. Why should you have to if it's your money? Unless, you want to admit to your parents that you also broke the law and lied about being an adult by signing up, then well, I'm afraid you're going to have to figure out how to explain it to the judge which might not be as forgiving as your parents if you were just honest with them. Your best bet for help then, will be to try and grow up by taking responsibility and being honest about the reality of the situation and how you brought this upon yourself but almost wanted to blame it on a non-living thing tricking you (as if the website was trying to trick you the whole time by just being there). 

The site didn't trick you and you didn't fall for anything, you made a conscious decision to act negligently, ignoring notices and legally binding terms that were presented to you. Now, if you need help learning what it means to be an adult, please update your question.

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