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Officially request for unmute/unban in fact of a faulty act from Mod MaxUmsatz




a few moments ago i got kicked by MaxUmsatz (German Moderator) in fact of an neutral URL that is for BC and their customers, too.
First of all.
Yes i have heared that posting of urls is forbidden (Months ago, in this moment i havent thought about that kind of result).

Its my own personal mistake and i have to accept the result. Of course.
In my point of few this is anyway not wrong.

The url was for the new FIO web3 project, that will make a gift to all crypto users or your customers with a wallets and crypto currency:
For a short time and for a harmonic and better future its absolutly free to create one fio shortname that lands to your wallet (everyone is soon required to have one... soon).

A few seconds later, MaxUmsatz explained in the german chat what am i doing wrong, but his explaination was the perfect proof that HE is currently the wrong person to reprimand your customers. 

For my understanding:
MaxUmsatz has clearly absolutly eat to much results from himself during his period/currently.
Its okay for me. I am a resentfully person and i dont want a apology from him.

I see the chat everyday, too.
The increasing counts of moments who emotionally persons are disgusting messages, unnormal + Spammers + Uncountable links from youtube etc...

I admit on just one thing:
Directly undone of his action.
If not.
It's ok.
I will respect that.
There are enough services like bc.
But not bc, the place where user are willing to open their hearts.
It would be a pitty to delete my account here, that you can finally do when this result will still exist tomorrow, the faulty thing from him,  accepted.

Kindly regards in lovely and hopefully waitng position for the right result, soon.



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