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Christmas Contest / Deck Coco’s Halls / Dec. 14 - Dec. 25


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My entry:

BC Game
What a game!
Let's make BCGame great again !

Oh wait, shut up man!
This is a casino, BCGame is always great, we need to make it better idiots !

That is a typical conversation day between coco's gangster and friends in a big casino somewhere is Hong Kong Macau.

One whole year is nearly gone, we need to give some shitcode to stupid loser players on our platform.
Stop eating coco, you must give something back to the community.

Then here you ago.
An big event was announced by coco's mafia group.
People got excited and waiting shitcode to come out on chat room then on forum every single hour.
But too little giveaways, less than 1 shitcode batch per day.
What a fucking joke ! Many gambler players are shouting loud !

As usual in a special room full of popcorn, coco and friends are laughing hard.
Coco cannot "shit" out too many shit code, unless stupid players feed me first !
What an calculated and business words.

So what is a smart player vs a stupid player?
A stupid player is the one to feed coin BCGame.
A smart player is the one who take coin from BCGame.

BCGame is not just a typical casino like usual.
BCGame is fair casino where bookies and players are truly equal.
If you are losing then you are a stupid player, stop complaint !

That's is true, so true.
Christmas event is very near already, and then a boxing day, then a new year.
But where is the gift coco, you supposed to do better than Santa Claus ?!

BCGame is the biggest gift to gamblers and gamers already, do not demand more !
Life is always two way street.

Always remember coco cannot "shitcode" more shit than amount of shit have in coco !

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all !

What a Play

p/s: send me dogecoin as a reward.

Edited by WhataPlay
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My attempt at an emoji collage, which was supposed to be done on the forum text itself but there was too much spacing between the lines. So I took it to word (which wasn't such a great idea!!). Every time I reopened it, the emojis were everywhere xD and so I wasn't able to get a snip of coco with the crown so i did that separately. 

Took way more time than I anticipated, but turned out alright. Linking the word document as well, cause it looks much better there than the snipets. 🙂 Tried to include as much detail I could : )  

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EvFT5cBYavOKvhNo8RL3v-fxEEf8wbPV/view?usp=sharing (P.S you might have to download it to see the emojis ig) 



Just a few snippets of the other prev variations of coco boss.




how it looks like on word with the black background. Sadkly the emojis displaced here n there when I took a screenshot 😕 


only cocos christmas hat2.JPG

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My 2nd entry is a "poem".
Dear Mr. Coco.. How do you doo?
I know you got lots to do,
yet you think of us too

You make so many challenges,
but you don't see them through,
Was still waiting,
for the thanksgiving coins to come through

But in the Christmas spirit,
I shan't complain all day,
but this is just for you,
so when you pay this,
hope you pay for those too.



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Another year gone . Christmas is here.  people filled with holiday cheer.  2020 reflect to see .  Another year we gather around the tree.. we have those lighting candles and those cooking food. Those family we never see till its time to give me. We deck the halls. Throw snow balls . Who am I lying to snowballs . It hasn't snowed in years. Some sit and read the Christmas story and how a savior was sent from glory. But this is not my Christmas story. It more gory. It start with spending my money on drugs . Getting carpet burned fucking on floors. Drunk as a dog . Dirty as a hog. Gambling away at a messed up place . BC they say a place to win yet you will only spend spin spend. With one turn of the big wheel. Hoping for btc yet another 10k jobbles for me. Who gives a fuck I take them and stay another 3 hours of a wasted day. Yet I'm to be happy this miserable day. Give me a reason to deck my halls instead of looking to cut off cocos balls. This is the end. Got to go and spend.only hoping one day that damn lizard will let me win...

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